Part Search
0.1W - 10W
10mΩ - 1Ω
wirewound / 0.5W - 4W
1Ω - 1MΩ
wirewound / 0.5W - 4W
10W - 100W
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / TO252 / 45W
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 220C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 245C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 270C
thick film / TO220 / 35W / screw hole
thick film / TO263 / e / 50W
thick film / TO220 / 50W / screw hole
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / TO252 / 45W
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 220C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 245C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 270C
thick film / TO220 / 35W / screw hole
thick film / TO263 / e / 50W
thick film / TO220 / 50W / screw hole
thick film / TO263 / f / 50w
Screw mount
10W - 100W
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / TO220 / 35W
thick film / TO220 / 50W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / flexible leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / flexible leads
wire wound / 75W - 100W
wire wound / 50W - 100W / flat
"wire wound / 60W - 100W / vertical, horizontal"
wire wound / 5W-10W
wire wound / 7W-10W
wire wound / 9W-25W
wire wound / 14W-50W
wire wound / 24W-75W
wire wound / 30W-100W
wire wound / 45W-150W
wire wound / 50W-200W
wire wound / 55W-250W
wire wound / 60W-300W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / flexible leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / flexible leads
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / TO220 / 35W
thick film / TO220 / 50W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / flexible leads
wire wound / 75W - 100W
wire wound / 50W - 100W / flat
"wire wound / 60W - 100W / vertical, horizontal"
wire wound / 5W-10W
wire wound / 7W-10W
wire wound / 9W-25W
wire wound / 14W-50W
wire wound / 24W-75W
wire wound / 30W-100W
wire wound / 45W-150W
wire wound / 50W-200W
wire wound / 55W-250W
wire wound / 60W-300W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / flexible leads
100W - 1000W
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / TO247 / 140W / flexible leads
thick film / SOT227 / 200W / single - dual resistors
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / single - dual resistors
thick film / SOT227 / 600W / single - dual resistors
thin film / SOT227 / 900W / screw terminals
thin film / SOT227 / 900W / wire terminals
wire wound / 100W - 300W
wire wound / 100W - 500W / flat
"wire wound / 100W - 500W / vertical, horizontal"
wire wound / 600W - 1200W
wire wound / 600W - 1200W / UL
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / 5mm height - wire leads / black
thin film / SOT227 / 900W / wire leads
wire wound / 30W-100W
wire wound / 45W-150W
wire wound / 50W-200W
wire wound / 55W-250W
wire wound / 60W-300W
thick film / TO247 / 140W / flexible leads
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / SOT227 / 200W / single - dual resistors
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / single - dual resistors
wire wound / 100W - 300W
wire wound / 100W - 500W / flat
"wire wound / 100W - 500W / vertical, horizontal"
wire wound / 600W - 1200W
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / screw terminals
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / 5mm height - wire leads
thin film / SOT227 / 600W / single - dual resistors
thick film / SOT227 / 300W / 5mm height - wire leads / black
wire wound / 30W-100W
wire wound / 45W-150W
wire wound / 50W-200W
wire wound / 55W-250W
wire wound / 60W-300W
1000W - 10000W
10mΩ - 1Ω
wire wound / 600W - 1200W / UL
wire wound / 1600W - 2800W
wire wound / 1600W - 2800W / UL
"wire wound / 3000W - 10800W / vertical, holizontal"
1Ω - 1MΩ
wire wound / 1600W - 2800W
wire wound / 1600W - 2800W / UL
"wire wound / 3000W - 10800W / vertical, holizontal"
50Ω - 1KΩ
thin film / SOT227 / 600W / single - dual resistors
0.1W - 10W
10mΩ - 1Ω
wirewound / 3W - 10W / axial / enamel coat
axial lead / 4 - 17W / ceramic-housed
1Ω - 1MΩ
wirewound / 3W - 10W / axial / enamel coat
axial lead / 1 - 9W / metal oxide
axial lead / 0.7 - 15W / high voltage 2.5K - 48KV
axial lead / 4 - 17W / ceramic-housed
axial lead / 2.5 - 20W / high voltage 4.8K - 49KV
over 1MΩ
axial lead / 0.7 - 15W / high voltage 2.5K - 48KV
10W - 100W
10mΩ - 1Ω
wirewound / 10W - 15W / axial / enamel coat
thick film / thin film / TO220 / 20W
foil / 40W
foil / 50W
1Ω - 1MΩ
wirewound / 10W - 15W / axial / enamel coat
axial lead / 0.7 - 15W / high voltage 2.5K - 48KV
thick film / thin film / TO220 / 20W
over 1MΩ
axial lead / 0.7 - 15W / high voltage 2.5K - 48KV
axial lead / 2.5 - 20W / high voltage 4.8K - 49KV
Bracket mount
10W - 100W
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / 20W - 100W / cylinder
1MΩ - 10TΩ
thick film / 20W - 100W / cylinder
100W - 1000W
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / 100W - 150W / cylinder
1MΩ - 10TΩ
thick film / 100W - 150W / cylinder
0.1W - 10W
10uΩ - 10mΩ
"wirewound / 0.5W, 1W, 3W, 2W, 4W"
10mΩ - 1Ω
"wirewound / 0.5W, 1W, 3W, 2W, 4W"
1Ω - 1MΩ
"wirewound / 0.5W, 1W, 3W, 2W, 4W"
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / TO252 / 45W
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 220C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 245C
thick film / TO263 / 35W / reflow temp. 270C
thick film / TO220 / 35W
thick film / TO263 / e / 50W
thick film / TO220 / 50W
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / TO220 / 35W
thick film / TO220 / 50W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
foil / 40W
foil / 50W
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / TO220 / 35W
thick film / TO220 / 50W
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
10mΩ - 1Ω
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / soft leads
1Ω - 1MΩ
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 100W / soft leads
thick film / TO247 / 140W / soft leads
Bus Bar
0.1W - 10W
10uΩ - 10mΩ
metal strip / 3W / marking
metal strip / 3W / hole
metal strip / 3W / stud
10W - 100W
10uΩ - 10mΩ
metal strip / 15W / marking
metal strip / 15W / hole
metal strip / 15W / stud
metal strip / 36W / marking
metal strip / 36W / hole
metal strip / 36W / stud
metal strip /36w/marking
metal strip /36w/hole
metal strip /36w/stud
1A - 100A
metal strip / 1A / stand
metal strip / 2A / stand
metal strip / 5A / stand
metal strip / 10A / stand
metal strip / 20A / stand
metal strip / 50A / stand
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 10A / stand
metal strip / 15A / stand
metal strip / 20A / stand
metal strip / 30A / stand
metal strip / 50A / stand
metal strip / 75A / stand
metal strip / 80A / stand
metal strip / 85A / stand
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 50A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 100A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 5A - 1000A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 1A / stand
metal strip / 2A / stand
metal strip / 5A / stand
metal strip / 10A / stand
metal strip / 20A / stand
metal strip / 50A / stand
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 5A - 1000A / 1 screw hole
100A - 1000A
10mV - 100mV
metal strip / 173A / marking
metal strip / 173A / hole
metal strip / 173A / stud
metal strip / 387A / marking
metal strip / 387A / hole
metal strip / 387A / stud
metal strip / 600A / marking
metal strip / 600A / hole
metal strip / 600A / stud
metal strip /600A/marking
strip /600A/hole
strip /600A/stud
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 150A / stand
metal strip / 200A / stand
metal strip / 250A / stand
metal strip / 300A / stand
metal strip / 400A / stand
metal strip / 500A / stand
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 150A / stand
metal strip / 170A / stand
metal strip / 200A / stand
metal strip / 250A / stand
metal strip / 300A / stand
metal strip / 400A / stand
metal strip / 500A / stand
metal strip / 600A / stand
metal strip / 800A / stand
metal strip / 1000A / stand
metal strip / 100A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 150A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 200A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 250A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 300A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 400A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 500A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 600A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 300A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 400A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 500A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 600A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 700A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 800A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1000A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 5A - 1000A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 100A / stand
metal strip / 150A / stand
metal strip / 200A / stand
metal strip / 250A / stand
metal strip / 300A / stand
metal strip / 400A / stand
metal strip / 500A / stand
metal strip / 100A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 150A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 200A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 250A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 300A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 400A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 500A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 600A / 1 screw hole
metal strip / 300A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 400A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 500A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 600A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 700A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 800A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1000A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 5A - 1000A / 1 screw hole
over 1000A
metal strip / 1200A / stand
metal strip / 1000A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1200A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1500A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 2000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 3000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 4000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 5000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 6000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 10000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 15000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 20000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 1200A - 3500A / 2 screw hole
metal strip / 5000A - 10000A / 3 screw hole, 4 screw hole
metal strip / 15000A / 6 screw holee
metal strip / 1000A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1200A / 2 screw holes
metal strip / 1500A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 2000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 3000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 4000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 5000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 6000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 10000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 15000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 20000A / 4 screw holes
metal strip / 1200A - 3500A / 2 screw hole
metal strip / 5000A - 10000A / 3 screw hole, 4 screw hole
metal strip / 15000A / 6 screw holee
Thermal Sensor
N / D
radiation power / thin film Bi-Sb thermopile
RMS-DC Converter
thin film resistor / thin film Bi-Sb thermopile / high frequency
thin film resistor / thin film Bi-Sb thermopile / dual element
thin film resistor / thin film Bi-Sb thermopile / high frequency
thin film resistor / thin film Bi-Sb thermopile / dual element
How to Buy
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How to Buy
Technical Note